Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Kale Chips

To those who have not tried Kale are missing out. They are the greatest culinary invention since sliced bread (in my humble opinion). They are healthy and tasty and addictive! I've only ever been able to find kale chips from RAW in Toronto. Now, it was really expensive for a bag - $6 for a small one that could be devoured in one sitting by moi.

So - I decided - I'm going to make my own. So I did. I tried two different recipes:

1. Cashew cream cheese Kale Chips
2. Tahini/Soya/Cilantro Kale Chips

I made cashew cheese the other night - after being inspired by a vegan secret supper club I attended. It was really very simple and tasty. No pics as it just looks like cream cheese. Anyhow, I tossed it with some fresh green curly kale and tossed it in a 200F oven for about an hour. True raw foodies would go tsk tsk as it's supposed to be slowly dehydrated. But I had no patience. Anyway, the results - better than RAW if I may say so myself.

Kale Chips #1 in the oven

Kale Chips #1 cooled and in a container

And then, Kale Chips #2

Looks the same you say - tastes so different I say!

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